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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  September 4, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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charges in the perry hall high school shooting. tte list of crimes.. and questions pafety. -------------------------------- ----------- a popular crab house... destroyed by fire. fire.(voice only) "its devastating.. a total loss" loss" the amazing discovery inside the -------------------------------- ------------ more rain thanks to isaac. when the clouds clear out... in my skywatch forecast. -------------------------------- ---------áááfilm natsááá natsááá a new what film-makers voters if they support a second term. breaking news ... from... the... democratic... national convention.../ right... now...///governor... martin
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o'malley.. . is... at the podium.../// lets... listennin
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that... was... governor... martin... o'malley... live... at... the... democratic... national convention..../// first... lady...
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michelle obama... will... áalsoá... speak... tonight.../we'll... take you ... baak theee ... live... / later... in the newscast hello,... i'm... jeff barnd.../jenniier... gilbert's... on... assignment...// thh... student... accused ...of.. opening fire... inside ...the cafeteria... of... perry hall ..... high school.../...was... indicted today todaypolice... ssy.../ robert gladden...//. brought n... the... first day... offschool../.and... fired... 2 shots..../ critically... injuring.. classmate - daniel... bo--rory.../ stopped... by... - a... guidance coun/ counselor.../a... grand jury ...indicted gladden ... on... 9 counts... of... attempted muuder...// murder...//9... counns ...of... first degree assault.../ assault.../9... counts... of reckless endangerm/ endangerment.../...and... gladden's,... charged... as an adult it's.... a... meeting .../ that... some... perry hall ...
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high chool... parents ... say... was... long overdu/ overdue..../ janice... park... streaming live... at the... chool.../ where... hundreds... offparents... filled... the audtorium./.. getting... answers... to... last week's... shooting..../ janice? janice?jeff,at least a dozen parents got in line...the most outspoken werr parents who children were most effected by the man says his daughter waa mother says her daughter was in the cafeteria that day 10 peet from the shooter.they got to ask questions they've been wanning to ask more more than a week now. now. "they evacuated the building weel and those accolades do not come easily from me"steps from where police say 15 year critically injured another student...parents fill the perry haal auditorium to full capacity:sharing their fears lack of accountablity: accountabbity:"my daughter sam was ii the cafeteria when it ha" happened""i didn't see any accountablity, it was a mob scene, helicopters"principal george rooerts explains the
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emmrgency plan that took afffct that day: day:"outside, each of the doors, to make sure they were safe from what had occured"but in the days since the shooting...some parents say deeely troubling questionn have gone unaswered. &punaswered."she was 10 feet away from him and traumatized and i thought i need to get ot my hild"parent lisa just one parent who now wwnts the school to look into metal dectectors: dectectors:"for him to be able to sneak a shotgun, i could, &panyone could sneak a handgun in here"principal roberts say all security measures, ann a fulllreviee of the school's completed in the next 30 days. he did say, however, that he's already eeing a positive change.where students are encouraging each other to speak up...and to no longer be viewed as snitches.and prayers continue...for the victim, daniel: daniel:"my daughter is an
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anxious child, i said he is never going back to school but she did, the focus really is on daniel, and it gave them a purpose, everybody to talk aboott i was approached earlier today by a parent who gave me this flier about another fundraiser for the victim daniel. donations and fundraisers we've put this all on our website for you, foxbaltimore dot ccm slash newslinks. at perry hall high school, janice park fox45 for... fox of the ... shooting,.../ go... to... fox baltimoreedot com.../ look for.... perry hall shooting ... at the top of the page an... update to ...breaking news... we... aired... news at ten tenthis... the scene... on... ridgely road ... in... parkville.../haz-mat ... crews... were... called thhre... after... a... resident... reported... smelling... chemicals.../. he... was... concerned... because ...his nephew... who... currently ...lives there... / was... making threats. baltimore county police...
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these... 2 men..../ - 19 year old... justin... try-on-fo... and... 18 year old... karll.. ready...//both... face... drug chargee...// police... say... they... mixed... starter... fluid... with water.../ and... were... ágoingá... to... sell it... as... an inhalant. a... violent... &plabor day... weekend... in baltimore.../ since fridaa... 13 people... were shot.... 5... one... shooting... may... have iivolved... samaritan... crime... and... justicc reporter... joy lepola... says.../ police... are... still... trying to find... his killer killer joy look live a violent labor samartian shot dead. a good - police tell usthe man pulled his car in the middle of the road here in southeast baltimore to block a suspected armed robber from getting away. that's whhn pplice say the suspect got out and opened happened around 10 o'clock last night. we returned to the neighborhood today and talked with one man who ives just feet from where police found the shell casing. ((insert sot from 5500)) outcue: whoever shot it, it was goneáááshow daytime stuff
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ááááá of detectives video is on the end of 5:30 sot.... detectives were also back in the neighborrood today interviewing wiinesses and talking with homeonwers like howard. it's believed the victim 32 year old jose carranza lived just a couple doors down from where he was murdered. joy lepola fox 45 news at 10. track.... crimiial activity... in... your neighborhood ...with 'spotcrime.....// alerts... whee crime happens..../ at... fox baltimore dot com...// click on... spotcrime... in the hot topics section. the viewing for naval special waafare officer first class patrick feeksswas held toddy in edgewaaer....hundr edsscame out to say ooobye to the navy seal killed laat week in afghanistan.....
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afghaaistan..... feeks was one of 7 killed when that helicopter went down last that helicopter of 7 killed when feeks was one of 7 killed when that helicopter went ddwn laat thursday.........he was a competitive athleee....a husband...a son ....and a man his amily says was born to be a naval seal.... seal....
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patriik feeks was the eighth serviceman to die from maryland this year....he will be buried t arlington cemetary... 3 ten... llcky fans ... were... surprised today... with tickets ... to. ..the ravens ... home opener..../ but... that wasnt ...the... ábestá 3 winners... were... told too.. pick up... their prize... at... the... m&t downtown...../ where... they... were greeted... by... running back... ray rice.../.it... was... all part... of... a celebration... to... mark the... 10th year... of... the... &pm&t-ravens... &ppartnership.
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3 "iq: we both were like ok that is a nice surprise... oq: we never win anything." anything.""iq::it'd be great somebody tickett.... oq: on - monday night i'm gonna be a different person." person." hand delivered... 10 tickets... to... a... baltimore non-profit.../ to... honor... it's,... community... work. 3 a moose... on the attack what set off the animal...é &pminutes before it charged. (voice only)"it was actually a staple of the community it reallyywas" was" but next...a landmark... in dundalk... burns down...the surprising thinn found in the wreckage... when we come back
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????? loved... ones...
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gather tonighh... to... rrmember... the... young mother... shot down ... party.../. party.../. keith daniels,... live... in... northeast baltimore...'/ ccught... in... the,.... crossfire.. / keith. keith. jeff..... we'rr live on the alameda at richnor avenue.. the shooting happened behind mee..... and tonight.. as police search for thh young mother's killer..............those who knew er say..... she was tte kind of woman.. you wantee to k. know. on the steps of kenwood high pchool in essex.. family members and classmates remember a loved one...... it's a cannle light vigil for 22-year-old lorelle amos... class president at thee school.. the four yyars she
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attended.. as part of class 2008. (monty/classmate) she was just a great person, always walking around with a big smile on her face, alwayy pust there to be a friend ffr somebody...." omeone ssot and killed he young mother at a saturray night labor daa house party in northeaat baltimore. police believe she was a random victim of violence.. cauuht in the crossfire between two groups of men who opened fire down the block. a bullet pierced amos' chest...killing her. at the vigil...... her mother is ooerwhelmed by the incredible outpouring of support.(ms. grinage/mmther) "it touches my heart sincerely.. very, it means a lot.."(mooty) "sheewas only here for 22 short years.. and look how mann people she's touched, brought out here or one night.."(sasser/classmate) "shees just one of them people that ou could allays be happy around and if you weren't happy, she would find way to make you happy.."(ms. perry/classmate) "she was such a beautiful person and she was just.. she was just so sweet. like iidon't understand ow something could happen to
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somebody like that.. it's just too muchh" amos leaves behind a 1-year-old son..... meantime, investigators saa if you have any informmtion about this police. live in northeast baltimore, keith daniels, fox &p45 news at ttn. jury... deliberations continue... in... the case ... of.;.. a... aa... towwon town center penterfrank williims... and... william ward... face handgun, ... conspiracyy... and... first degrre murder ... charges.... williams... is allegedly... the one... put... the... hii... oo... 19- year- old... rodney pridget,.../// ward's... pccused... of... being part ... of... a... gang,.../ and... overseeing the murder..../last week... prosecutors presented... video surreillance... of... the....two ... follooing... priddet.../ ámomentsá... before the ... shooting. elktonnpolice... say... 42- year- old... troy kelly... didn't... know... the man... he's... charged with ... beating to death... inside a grocery store... in the... "big elk"... mall... in august..../police... say... kelly... approached ... a... 55- year-old began... beating him.../.he... thhn... began slamming ...the viitims face... inno... the ground .../ the... victim... died...
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at....the hospital. a... federal judge... has... ordered ...theemassachusetts department o correction... to... provide... a... taapayer- funded ... sex- change operation ... for... a... transgender.../ inmate... doing... life... for murder...//. michelle... kosilek... was born... a... man.../// but... got... hormone treatments.../ and... lives... as a woman ... in... an... all-maae... prison..../kosilek ... killed... his wife... 22-years ago...// this... is... believed... to be ... the... first... federal... judge order ... o... prison officials.../ to... provide... the surgery... or... a... transgender inmate. here's... our... question of the day.../. should taxpayer money be used to pay for an inmate's sex chane facebook page...//.more ttan... 155... of you... sounding off./.. nearry... everyone says... ánoá.../// join... the discussion... right nno ... by... going to../ acebook dot com... slash fox-baltimore join... our waste watch. if... you see government waste.. call... our hotline.. 4100662-1456. or... go to fox- baltimore ot com.
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they're... planning... to rebuild... the... &ppopular... dundalk... crabhhuse.../ destroyed ... by... fire... this... past weeknd...//. kathleen... cairns... has... more... on... what surprises... were salvaged... from the... ashes. 3 (voice only)"its been here for a long time" for fifty yearss ross's crab house has greeted ggestt with the smell of old bay.... now... it's juss fumes from the fire.... (jje prahme-regular ustomer)"we can't believe it hhpppned...." regulars like joe: say the ttw alarm blaze was fast and furious.... patrons and workers were able to escape... moot of the building.. did not. (voiie only) "its devastating.. a total loss" (wheels rolling down)(john wamhoff)"they had a pot of local people who enjoyed going to eat craas theee and take out seafood wee ate there a lot of ttmes.. we had christmas parties there." now, friends of this family owned business, try o salvage &pwas actually a staple of the community ii really wass two thousand dollars worth of crabs are in he dumpster....
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but in the brand new freezer... a surprising find:(voice only)"still alive...two days... look at that thats amazing"(john next door))for some reason that wall saved that freezze i bldiig was destroyed this is thee were in the refrigerator and dozens of these guys.. survived the entire fire. " could eat em now.(.laugh...) " the ownnr promise to rebuildd.. voice onlyyover sign: (joe)"we'll be back" and the patrons promise: (joe)"laugh.. nd if arnold was here.. i'll be back!"ii dundalk kc fox 45 news at 10 fire investigators... havv... still... not determined... what... caused... thh blaze... rainy labor day weekend...but we need it... it...heres chief meterologist vytas reid... with the skywatch forecast forecast 3
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we... finally... get.... a chance ... to... say goodbye... to... neil armstrong armstrong the... first man... e moon..../died... august 25-th...//thh... service... will be heldd.. september 13-th... at... the... washngton national... cathedral..../ the... datt... of the service...
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&p is... significant -/ it'll... and... 1 day.../ áafterá... president... john f kennedy... announced ... the goall.. of... utting... a man on the moon .../ and... bringing him .../ back... to arth...///.a .... &p limited number... o seats... will... be available ... to ..the public...//. public...//.the... person need to contact... is... linked... to our website.//.. fox-baltimore dot com.../ slash neeslinks a close encounter with a moose..// . later... that caught... this - here's a live look at the democrats convention in charlotte...we'llltake a closer look at what has happened already today... p..and the nee milestone that things voters will nned to consider... after the break
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3 here's ... a... live look... at the ....emocratic national in charlotte.../on... stage... right now../ ???...//first... lady... michelle obama... speak... soon.../ we'll... take you... back to ccarlotte.../ later... in ...but before the speakers took the stage today...the democrats had a little business to take care of... of... the party adopted a platform... that calls for hhgher taxes on the weelthy... while backing ame-sex
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parrrage and abootion rightsin virginia... president obama -- wrapping up his four-day trip to swing states... before heading to charlotte tommrrow obama says: "we've come too far to turn back now..// if you're willing to vote for me, we'll win norfolk again,,we'll win virginia again, e'll will this election, we'll finish what we started." started."vice president joe nomination for a secood term on thursday phere's... a... big number... oveeshadowing... the... democcats ... convention conventionthis... is... a... live look... &p at... the national debt... clock...///.that... number... in the... upper left.../ labeled... "u-s... national debt".../// crossed... 11... átrillioná dollars... democratic... natiinal convennion starts... eakin says: "but its entirely the democratic national
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convention, 5.4 trillion of federal debt have happend in the past four years." yearr."axelrod says: "what's necessary is toostabilize the debt, uh, and then - and then work from there. you caa't balance the budget in the short term because to do that, uh, would be to ratchet down the economy." economy." the... congressional... budget office... &pfound... president obama's... 20--13... bdget...// would... add... more .../ in... over... the... next... ten years. you... probably ... won't... political conventiin 3 baltimore ... sooo...//. it's .... been... 100-years... since... baltimore... hosted... a... major... political... convention./// john... rydell... explains why... why.... the year was 1912....and democrats from around the country converged on baltimore. aater a contentious debate...they chose woodrow wilssnas their fact...baltimore....osttddthe countryys first ix democratic conventioossloog before air
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travel...baatimore... wwssconsidered a looical choice for a nattonal convention. (willis) "we had close proximity to the capital, all those people whh were in congress in washington could attend the convention." (rydell) "and whileebarack obama, george w. bush, billl clinton and many other presidents have appeared in baltimore and held fundraisers in baltimore,there hhvv been no national conventions for either republicans or democrats in baltimore in 100 years.""we're not a swing state, we're pretty stable,, we're deeocrats."city councilwooan mary pat a veteran of political conventions.she says the parties...are now hostinn where neither cannidate... has p clear advantage.the publicity...and hell their that sttte's electoral votes. one year ago...the greater baltimore committeeunveiled a blueprint... to revitilize build a new sports arena... connected to a new hotel. but there wws no mention...of attracting a political convention. (clarke) "nationall conventions come one every
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four ears, someday we may be in positiin to go bid for one."but mary pat clarke...says that should not be the city's top priority. (clarke) "the most important thing we're doing with our ponvention center and our hotels is being in whatever is out there and bring it in leaders...say they're already pursuung. in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. democrats... outnumber republicans... in more than... two-to-one...// 3 her nickname is "dentist the menace".the procedures one woman conducted... without any dental training.... and how she got away with it for so long. what not to do when you meet a moose... what set off tte animal...é minutes before it charged.
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3 anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for...
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question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland. an.. oklahoma
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city... woman... is... accused of... pretending be a dentiss../.and... she... could have... possibly done... permanent damage dozens of pattents. &pthe... state is... looking for... áelizabeth... hinosaá..../// who... was hired... at... tww ddfferent offices... as... a... spanishh traaslator ...
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and... dental assistant.... but... decided... to... treat patients... herself... pfter... hours .../// herself... pfter... hours .../// & doctors... werrn't there...//. performed ...root canall... , braces,... cavities... ,and investiiators say... she... had hell. pshe got her daughter hired as the receptionist and when an appointment, they would e schedule them at a different time and tell them it's hours."officials say... about ...100 people... could havee diseases... after receiving treatment../ while... others... will suffer... from permanent damage. ttis... was... not... wwat... brent olsen... expected to see... when... he... woke in his vermont home... sunday bull moose.. with a hoof... on... his car.../. after... chasing... it away.../ olsen... was intrigued... with... the moose. .../ he... grabbed his camcooder ... as... it walked... around is yard...//.but... &pthe... creature's... behavior... quickly... became... anything... buttcute... / t... olsen... - severaa times.../. finally... a... game warden,,, killed the moose... . saying ,...
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it... showed... signs... of... brain worm....//the .. paraaite causes... dangerous... - behavior-- //// 3 3 3 3
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3 hackers make an alarming discovery bout the fbi .. / what they supposedllyfound on a special agent's laptop... / and the reason it could puttyour privacy at risk. and here's a live look at the democratic national convention...on the stage right now...we'll listen in... after the break
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çia÷ 3
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live... from the democratic... nntional convention in charlotte...//first... lady... michelle obama
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with... tte... democratic ....ational convention underway..../ there's ... also... an onslaught... of... political films... this month..../ melinda... roeder.... previews... one.../ featuring... president obama... supporters.../ but... their opinions.... may... surprise you. (maybe a clip from the movie
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to start?)the film is called - "the hope ann the change"....a political documentary based on interviews with 40 voters who supported candidate barack obama back in 2008..tephen bannon/writer: 11:41:47 "we actually went out and retained strategistt.. and kendra stewaat and they really organized focus groups."but what the filmmakers found - is &phalf years - many of the democratic and indepeedent voterssbecame increasingly frustrated... with the president's policy and actions. bannon: 11:45:14 "he did not focus on the economy and he financial crisis like he said hh was. the focus was really on healthcare... the economy is crisis."the writtr and producer - claim they started this projecc with no agenda in mind.bannon: 11:43:52 "our film is not to go after president obama. we don't call him a muslim, ommunist, or socialist, or anybody who's trying to destroyythe ccuntty," they say they simply sought to give a voice to the moderate voter.david bossii/producer: 11:24:01 "we spent the last &pyear going across the country in those battlegrounn
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states... to find the cast for this film."producer david bossie, s aalo president of the roup "citizens united"... which successfully fought a ccmpaign inance bill in the supreme court... which had limited the rights of independent filmmakers to advertise and ir olitical docoumentaries on national t-v. bossie: 11:20:44 "we did hat because we wanted to make movies and show them at the time that the american people are paying attention." now - this campaign season - there's an onslaught of such films released in theatres... on dvd... and t-v.but do have the ability to influence voters - or even, an election?dr. richard vatz/political analyst: 15:49:55-15:50:10 "they don't win ooer many. thhy merely reinforce what people already believe. but in an eleetionnas close as this one appears to be, sommtimes, in particularly in do is win ovee a few people." - that's why this film is targeting... key battleground states.bannon: 11:42:03 "we went to florida, virginia, north carolina, pennsylvania, ohio, iowa and colorado."and
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while the film is critical of the president in some ways... producers ay it's a true reflection on he perception... of his performance thus far.bannon: 11:45:05 "they believe the country is more dividee than ever."bossie: 11:22:33 "and people who voted for him, it's almost as though it's a permissionnslip to feel that you're not the only one."i'm the... filmmakersssay... the... fact that.../ the... u-s... naaional debt... topped... the... 16-trillion dollar mark... today... / underscores... some... there arr a lot more stories about the race for the white house on ur website...go to fox-baltimore dot com...and clicc on "vote 2012" in the hot topics section at the top of the websste a ... group of hackers ... managgd break ... into... an... fbi agent's... lap-top.... / what... they found... may surprise you..../ you..../carrie peirce... explainss.. the web. 3 hackers claim the fbi is tracking people through their smartphones... and they have the daaa to prove it.
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more than one million apple ids.... have been leaked online... posted on a website called pastebin dot com.and hackers operating under the name antisec... say it's just a fraction of what they found stored on a special agents million apple ids.every apple device.... like iphones and ipads... are assigned a unique device identifier... a string linked toothe owner's personal information like name, address and cell phone number. the ids developers to track how pustomers use mobile apps... but apple stopped accepting them earlier this year after privacy complaints. antisec removed personal information online... saying the stunt was mmant to get people talking.... about why the fbi is compiling such information and what they could be doing with it. it. the allegations are obviously raising privacy concerns... but the fbi isn't commenting... i'm carrie peirce and thats your word on
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the web. 3 the orioles?first place??n seetember??bruce cunningham has full in sports. high chairs... for your babb...the safety features you should look for... ...and the one high chaii... consumer reports says you should ástopá using...after on august 22nd, the justice departmenttsued the gallup pooling company. actually, it joined a lawsuit filed by michael lindley. lindley lindley claims gallup had s - overbilled various federal agencies for olling services. &p that ffderal offices succ as theeu.s. mint, passport agenny, energy and others dollars on single-source, no-bid polling contracts is a conversation for another day. back to lindley's lawsuit. doj joining an existing lawsuit is not unusual. but
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joining one that is over three years old without new developments is rather odd. why did doj join at this time? consider this. on auuust 11th, just days earlier gallup released its monthly unemployment report based on interviews of 30,000 adults. the datt shows aasteep rise in the august jobless rate. gallup implied in its analysis that if the august unemployment rate announced by the bureau of labor statistics doesn't have a "substantial" increaseethen someone is fiddling with the numbers. ii the doj being used to silence media organizatioos that hold the obama administration accountable? we may soon know more. the august unemployment numbers will be released on september 7th. for more on this story visit behind the headlines dot &pnet. and foolow us twitter an facebook. i'm mark yman.
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it'ssbeen a long time...15 years to be exact...but the orioles have a share of first place in the american league east..tonight, the yankees lost to tampa bay, and the birds took are of business -&p. zach britton seems to have righted himself...and he was sharp tonight...very sharp... he went 7 innings...scattered four hits, walked wo and struck out's one of them......but caalos villanuuva was matching him...scoreless in the 5th when mark reynolds does it again..his 5th home run in the last ttree days and his 17th on the year...a 3 un shot and the birds led by that margin... &p...then in the 6th, jj hardy
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middle..nick markakis comes in to score...tghey add 5ive more in the 8th and just blast the blue jays..11-0 the final... 3 (adlib) &p more on the first place orioles...and we look in on the ravens asswell...that'ss cominggup at 11:30 as sports unlimited continues 3 it's... estimated.../ more han ... 11--housand children...
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the... e==r... each year... from injuries... related to... high chairs..../ tom rodgers ...explains... / consumer reports ...tests for safety... / as... well as.../ convenience. 3 ((tom on cam))foo people like joyce o'connor... a high chair was a must-hhve for her baby, molly. (sot: joyce o'connor) pyou want to have them up at the table with you when you are having your family ddnners."(v/o)consumer reports tested 19 high chairs costing between 40 dolllrs and 265. (sot)"our testers perform tests to ensure they all meet current voluntary safety standarrs."(v/o)safest are ones ith a five-point harness... which is important po always use to secure your child. high chairs should also have a post like this o helpp prevent our child from slipppng out. there was a problem with this chair.(sot: artemis dibenedetto)"an unharnessee child could eether slide down and fall to the caught and he could strangle." (v/o)a child could also slip out of the sides of this chair. because of these safety problems... consumer reports
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has ssued a safety alert on thii dream on me istro igh chair. consumee reportssalso assesses convenience and features. an easy-to-clean seat is a real plus..this chair even has washable straps. aad two trays are better than one, like on this pee perego. f your child ssilll something, just lift the top tray off... and you'll still have a clean surfacee. (v/o)consumer reports pappa diner high chair for 220 - dollars. it also has a smooth, seamless fabric that's very easy to clean.a less-expensive choice - also with two trays - is the fisher-price ez clean for 85 dollars. like theepeg perego... it has a height adjustment so you can feed your baby at different levels and an easy-wash surface. (((om on camm)as for the dream on me bistro high hair... there aae no reports of injuries. but consumer reports advises if you own one, stop using it. a company spokesperson ssys that the chair is no longer being made and that it's working on a
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voluntary recall with the government. if you own the dream on me bistro high chair... you can contact the manufacturer at 877-768-5500. tom rodgees, fox45 news at ten. what ...could be bettee than... a... bacon-wrapped-cinnamon roll .../ which... dish... took home ...the trophy.../ and... the one requirement... thaa maaes áthisá... cook off.../ different. ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... a rebel withhut a cause for six decades. how this woman is setting the endurance record for a life of crime. and a six year oll has more common sense than a british prince. the advice from oneeyoung boy to harry about keping his clothes on.
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the perfect burger... for any ttilgate.the key ingredients you need... tomorrow on fox45 morning news. as... the... maryland state fair... tears down... / the... texas... state air... p is... / starting ... out... with... what else...?a.. fried food... co! competition!in the... competition for... the... big tex... choice awards .../ there's one... non- negotiaale... cooking requirement -- / áeverythingá... must be fried...//. pf... cholesterol-free judges... noshed... on everything... from... fried cactus,/


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